Target group

The target is the children and youngsters with disabilities from poor families who cannot access basic medical care and quality education. Their families are poor with a low financial base and cannot afford health services such as specialized treatment, physiotherapy and occupational therapy and when available is far away and becomes cumbersome and expensive to take them for treatment.

Due to this, the parents often neglect these children and shy off from seeking assistance, thus calling for an additional responsibility to the program to create awareness to the parents and guardians so that they can positively support the children and not seeing them as bad omen.


In order to address the felt needs of the target group, the program for the handicapped adopted the following objectives;


Namelok-Naretoi Home for the Handicapped believes in and shall continue to cultivate a culture of selflessness and humanity and continuous success by upholding the following core values:

- Godliness: We cherish godliness as the basis of our success.

- Respect: We endeavor to show high regard for others and value others above Oneself.

- Integrity: We make every effort to be morally above reproach and to adhere to high moral and professional standards.

- Commitment: We are dedicated to each other and to all that we do.

- Team work We purpose to work in unity with all the stakeholders and achieve the goals.

These values shall underline all our undertakings so as to maintain a progressive culture as a home for the handicapped that spurs hard work to achieve our mission.