Who we are
Namelok Naretoi Home for the handicapped is a Rehabilitation for challenged children and persons with Disabilities, is an initiative between the LOITA MAASAI Community the partners and well wishers, aimed at Rehabilitating and giving small scale assistance to the most needy disabled children in the Maasai community.
some of the Children in Namelok Naretoi Home
The Director,Staff members and kids in Namelok Naretoi Home
The areas which have been addressed are
- Medical Rehabilitation of the children by providing Corrective Surgery, Physiotherapy exercises and provision of mobility appliances,
- Transport to hospital and back home and follow-up in the villages to ensure proper care and management is maintained to avoid recurrence of the same problem or contractures..
- Providing the child with basic necessary requirements, eg food, clothing, soaps and other personal items as the relatives may not be in a good position to, as this will allow proper and better healing process eg Good Nutrition food., as we take care of the child at NAMELOK-NARETOI HOME FOR HANDICAPPED, to provide Hygiene, Physiotherapy Exercise and to prevent further infection of the affected part.
- Provision of Education eg, to ensure that the child get good education, so that he can be self-Independent in the future, Boarding and school fees, school equipment, uniform and other personal necessities are provided.
- care at the Program Home, to ensure therapy exercises is done to prevent and avoid contractures forming and reoccurring again, look for School placements for Children with special needs, in special schools ie Blind, deaf, Children with Down syndrome and physically challenged.
To provide necessary rehabilitation services to the disabled persons, which will enable them to live a self dependent and dignified life in the society bearing in mind that ‘disability is not inability’.